Become a Sponsor
Playing a vital role in supporting and celebrating documentary filmmaking
Join the Sponsorship Community!
Lunenburg Doc Fest is grateful for the support of our Sponsorship Community!
If you share a passion for film or wish to connect with our film enthusiast audiences, a Lunenburg Doc Fest (LDF) sponsorship package ensures distinguished exposure for you or your brand. LDF offers a variety of sponsorship levels and packages, and you will directly benefit by reaching a culturally savvy audience through acknowledgement on print and digital materials including festival program guide advertising, social media, , plus a sponsor highlight in the pre-screening video at each screening, plus more.
Every $500+ in sponsorship from a single sponsor is accompanied by one or more Festival Pass(es) with all access to fabulous films, select socials, plus our unforgettable opening night gala!
Your donation helps support:
5 days of the best and newest documentary screenings!
Free community events
‘Docs on the Dock’ community screenings
Live Filmmaker Q&As with international directors
Exciting social events and much more!
LDF also offers customizable sponsorship opportunities, such as:
*NEW* Sponsor A Screening ($2,500)
Interested in sponsoring a specific film? Why not sponsor a screening? Your generous sponsorship will help us present educational, inspiring and thought-provoking documentary films to our local community. Email us to learn more!
Opening Night Sponsor ($5,000)
Opening Night Events include a one-time screening of a “hot doc” and our much-anticipated and unforgettable Gala celebration! We invite our sponsorship community and Opening Night pass holders to walk the red carpet, to continue the festivities with stimulating conversations, celebratory libations, and delicious hors d’oeuvres.
Spotlight Sponsor ($10,000)
For the most devoted of film fans and community advocates! The ‘Spotlight Sponsor’ receives customized acknowledgement in print and digital promotions, enhanced visibility at select events, a full-page sponsor highlight in the Program Guide, plus the opportunity to speak from the podium during the festival.
For more information or to be a supporting partner, please email info@lunenburgdocfest.com.
An official charitable donation receipt will be issued for personal income tax purposes per CRA guidelines. Lunenburg Doc Fest accepts donations via CanadaHelps.org, e-transfer to treasurer@lunenburgdocfest.com, or cheque to Box 1497, Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0. Securities including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds donations may be made via CanadaHelps.org.
U.S. Friends, Lunenburg Doc Fest is an approved beneficiary of the Council for Canadian American Relations (CCAR), a 501(c)(3) public charity in the U.S. that is a “qualified done” under the Income Tax Act (Canada). For information about CCAR please visit ccar-nyc.org or contact info@ccar-nyc.org.
To donate via CanadaHelps.org, click the button below.
Thank you!