Festival Newsletter #12
Dec 22, 2016
Click HERE or the image below to view the newsletter
Dear Film Enthusiasts,
We are one week away from opening the second annual Lunenburg Doc Fest!
In this edition of the festival newsletter, you will find highlights of special events and special guests, details about our expanded Youth Program (including a $1000 Bursary and FREE Admission for 12 and Under to the Youth/Family screening), sponsor spotlight, a festival schedule, Pass and Ticket information, and more.Click the newsletter image above to view the pdf of the latest Festival Newsletter and check www.LunenburgDocFest.com, Facebook and Twitter for the latest festival developments.Passes are almost entirely sold out -- very few Film Passes remain -- and Vanishing Sail has sold out, however, Rush line tickets (at the door) will be available to fill any open seats, so come early!Lunenburg Doc Fest