Press Release : Discover the meaning of life at Lunenburg Documentary Festival
Jun 27, 2017

Press Release: June 26, 2017
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia — Lunenburg Doc Fest is pleased to present the International Premiere of “Lives Well Lived: Celebrating the Secrets, Wit and Wisdom of Age“ during the fourth annual festival to be held this September. The documentary premiered at Santa Barbara International Film Festival earlier in the year.
Lives Well Lived embraces the stories, lessons and advice of people aged 75-100 sharing how to live a meaningful life. The film is the directorial debut for Sky Bergman, an award-winning photographer and professor of Photography and Video at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, California. Ms. Bergman will accompany her film to Lunenburg Doc Fest and present a public talk around the subject of an artist exploring fact-based storytelling through photography and documentary, and how each art informs the other.
Bergman's inspiration for the film came from her 103-year-old Grandmother, who she describes as a woman full of vitality. "My grandmother was my guide for how to gracefully move through life and how to age with dignity, strength, and humour. I began a quest to search out other people, who, like my grandmother, were living life to the limits." Over the course of her four-year quest Bergman interviewed forty people. With a collective life experience of 3000 years, their stories will make you laugh, cry and, more importantly, make you to think.
"Through the film, I hope to inspire people of every age to contemplate what they can do in their own lives to achieve the longevity of both health and spirit that these people have achieved, and to realize that growing older can be a journey to be celebrated," said Bergman. Lives Well Lived gives an often overlooked generation a platform to tell their stories. The film will undoubtedly transform perspectives.
The full program and diverse lineup of relevant documentaries and special events will be announced over the coming weeks. Passes to the fourth annual Lunenburg Doc Fest are now on sale at www.LunenburgDocFest.com.
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Lunenburg Doc Fest showcases documentary films that entertain, educate, and inspire, creating a cultural experience and place of connection between filmmakers and film enthusiasts in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. The festival is presented with the generous support from Arts Nova Scotia; Canada Heritage; Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, and Heritage; and Canada Council for the Arts.
For more information contact Pamela Segger at:
E-mail: LunenburgDocFest@gmail.com
Phone: 902-523-FILM (3456)
Mail: Box 1951, Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0
Website: www.LunenburgDocFest.com
Facebook: facebook.com/LunenburgDocFest
Twitter: @LunenburgDocFes