Join the Atlantic Canada Delegation to Hot Docs
Feb 16, 2018

February 15, 2018
Applications are now open for Atlantic Canadian producers with a feature project in development, production, post-production or distribution who plan to attend Hot Docs, the largest documentary festival in North America.
In 2017 the Atlantic Canada Delegation of 12 filmmakers from NS, NB and PE fully participated in the Hot Docs festival and delegation-specific networking events: screenings, professional development sessions, and meetings with funders, programmers, and international co-producers.
Lunenburg Doc Fest will lead up to 20 Atlantic Canada Delegation members to the 25th Hot Docs for professional development and networking opportunities. Emerging talent, with at least one short film having screened in a major film festival, and established producers and filmmakers are invited to apply to join the 2018 Atlantic Canada Delegation.
The second annual Atlantic Canada Delegation at Hot Docs (April 26 - May 6) experience will include:
Discounted Conference & Networking Pass and registration fees at the delegation rate. The C&N Pass includes:
All Festival screenings
All Conference sessions and workshops
All services offered by the Hot Docs Industry Centre
Access to the Hot Docs Online Community networking resource for one year
One Hot Docs Program Guide and delegate bag
One ticket to the Hot Docs Opening Night Gala
Access to each Happy Hour afternoon cocktail event
Access to regular evening receptions and parties
One ticket to the annual Hot Docs Award Presentation
International Co-Production Day Producer-to-Producer meetings
The Festival Doc Shop with over 1800 titles available for viewing
Application to one-on-one Distribution Rendezvous meetings with top level distributors, sales agents and festival programmers
Full access to the Hot Docs Festival screenings
Exclusive International Co-Production Luncheon
Featured Index for Atlantic Canada Delegation producers’ projects in the digital Doc Shop market, Hot Docs' on-demand digital video library for international buyers and programmers
Submit one free film to the Doc Shop and additional submissions at a 50% discount
Full details, the application and additional delegation member incentives can be found on Lunenburg Doc Fest’s Atlantic Canada Delegation page: https://lunenburgdocfest.com/industry/atlantic-canada-delegation-2/
To participate in all key opportunities available to the delegation, members should plan to arrive in Toronto for Hot Docs by Sunday, April 29 and depart on Friday, May 5th.
Deadline to apply: February 27, 2018
QUESTIONS? Please contact Pamela Segger at psegger@lunenburgdocfest.com