INDUSTRY NEWSLETTER: September 9, 2021
Jun 18, 2022

For filmmakers seeking support, exposure and opportunities for their documentary projects, The Dock Market industry lineup offers a valuable opportunity to connect with industry partners and decision-makers via video conferencing as part of our 100% online industry events lineup.See the INDUSTRY SCHEDULE here and register for The Dock Market 1-to-1 meetings, panels, round tables, masterclass, and Hot Docs Doc Ignite workshops.

One-to-Ones are 15-minute meetings between filmmakers and decision makers and potential partners. The 1-to-1s are our main 'Dock Market' event to help filmmakers find potential collaboration opportunities across a wide range of industries, interests and groups. Last year Lunenburg Doc Fest hosted over 600 meetings over four days.

DEADLINE TO REGISTER: September 14Hot Docs returns to Lunenburg Doc Fest with Doc Ignite workshops for filmmakers!
Doc Ignite workshops are offered in communities across Canada each year. Offering direct market intelligence and skills training, each workshop provides filmmakers with professional development curriculums on such topics as audience engagement, marketing and distribution to help successfully launch their films in the marketplace.
With a focus on reaching underserved regions and communities within Canada, Doc Ignite labs aim to provide new opportunities to filmmakers across all regions of Canada and continue to help them launch sustainable documentary careers.
Stephanie McArthur, Senior Industry Programs Manager, and Madelaine Russo, Industry Programmer, Deal Maker, of Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival return to Lunenburg Doc Fest to lead the following workshops.
9:00 am - 11:00 am EST
Grant Writing for Documentary Funds
with Stephanie McArthur, Senior Industry Programs Manager, Hot Docs
Using a successful Hot Docs fund application as a case study, participants will learn how to clearly communicate their project ideas, what funders are really looking for when evaluating grant submissions, and will glean crucial tips on how to make their projects stand out.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm EST
International Teaser Trailer Creation
with Madelaine Russo, Industry Programmer, Hot Docs
Documentary trailers are one of the tools audiences use to discover docs and choose to watch them ~ so says the 2018 Hot Docs Documentary Audience research. Unfortunately, trailers can be an afterthought for doc filmmakers. This workshop will teach the types of trailers common for docs, share key takeaways, and steps to creating an engaging and powerful trailer.

DEADLINE TO REGISTER: September 14Each On Deck round table features industry experts and up to 12 Dock Market attendees for an informal and enlightening discussion. Industry insiders will spend 30-45 minutes with the pre-registered group.
9:00am – 9:30am
On Deck with Telefilm
Lori McCurdy, Regional Feature Film Executive - Atlantic Region, Telefilm
10:30am – 11:00am
On Deck with Bell Media (TBC)
12:00pm – 12:30pm
On Deck with Music Box Films
Lisa Holmes, Home Entertainment Director of Sales, Music Box Films
10:30 am - 11:00 am
On Deck with Passion River Films
Josh Levin, Head of Acquisitions and Sales, Passion River Films
11:45 am - 12:15 pm
On Deck with Royal Bank of Canada
Michael Polak, Media & Entertainment Portfolio Manager, RBC
10:30 am – 11:00 am
On Deck with GQue
Bryan Glick, Founder and President, GQue Films
11:15 am – 11:45 pm
On Deck with Bell Media
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
On Deck with Sean Farnel
Sean Farnel, Consulting Producer, Marketing and Distribution
9:00 am - 9:30 am
On Deck with TVO
Jane Jankovic, Commissioning Editor/Producer, TVO
10:00 am – 10:30 am
On Deck with CBC DOCS
Lesley Birchard, Broadcast Executive, CBC Docs
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
On Deck with Cargo Film & Releasing
Dan Catagallo, Senior Vice President, Cargo Film & Releasing
3:15 pm – 3:45 pm
On Deck with The Film Collaborative
Orly Ravid, Founder Co-executive Director, The Film Collaborative
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
On Deck with Syndicado
Greg Rubidge, Founder, Syndicado

Tina Apostolopoulos, Production Executive, Factual and Reality, Bell Media
Nancy Chapelle, Executive Director, Bell Fund
Lesley Birchard, Broadcast Executive, CBC Docs
Julian Carrington, Distribution Manager, Hot Docs Funds
Dan Catagallo, Senior Vice President, Cargo Film & Releasing
Sean Farnel, Consulting Producer, Marketing and Distribution
Rohan Fernando, NFB Atlantic-Quebec Studio, National Film Board
Bryan Glick, Founder and President, GQue Films
Lynnette Gryseels, Director of Fiscal Sponsorship and Development, The Film Collaborative
Ayesha Husain, Lead, Inclusion Initiatives and Content Analyst, Telefilm
Lisa Holmes, Home Entertainment Director of Sales, Music Box Films
Patrick Hurley, Industry Director, Sheffield Doc Fest
Jane Jankovic, Commissioning Editor/Producer, TVO
Sandra Kuze, Business Analyst, Telefilm
Josh Levin, Head of Acquisitions and Sales, Passion River Films
Théo Lionel, Festival Manager, The Party Film Sales
Stephanie McArthur, Senior Industry Programs Manager, Hot Docs
Lori McCurdy, Regional Feature Film Executive – Atlantic Region, Telefilm
Cailin McFadden, Festival Coordinator, Cargo Films & Releasing
Robin Mirsky, Funds Executive Director, Rogers Fund
Jackie Pardy, Chief Content Officer, Super Channel
Danielle Pearson, Production Executive, Bell Media
Michael Polak, Media & Entertainment Portfolio Manager, RBC
Nava Rastegar, Business Analyst, Telefilm
Orly Ravid, Founder Co executive director,The Film Collaborative
Greg Rubidge, Founder, Syndicado
Madelaine Russo, Industry Programmer, Hot Docs
Jill Samson, Deputy Director – Portfolio Management, CMF
Robin Smith, Co owner/CEO, Blue Ice Docs / Kinosmith
Irena Taskovski, CEO / Head of acquisitions, TASKOVSKI FILMS
Ania Trzebiatowska, Programmer, Sundance Film Festival
Jeffrey Winter, Co-Executive Director, The Film Collaborative
Stewart Young, Executive Producer, Arts and Cultural programming, CBC Atlantic

Questions about 'The Dock Market'?Email LDF's Conference Coordinator, Jarred, at industry@lunenburgdocfest.com

Thank You to Our Supporters!
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
CBC Atlantic
The Huskilson Family
Chippie Kennedy & John McLennan
Tina McArthur & Richard Rubenstein
Mary-Lou and Garry Pye
Adams & Knickle
John & Jenice Benton
Richard Brown & Deborah Kennedy Brown
Rena & Henry Demone
Camelia Frieberg
Inge Hatton
Margaret & Ian Lightstone
Elizabeth Wishart & Bruce MacCormack
Nova Scotia Building Supplies
Carol Postal
Lou & Karen Putney
Allan E. Rubenstein, MD
Town of Lunenburg
Nancy & Brad Unsworth
Pierre Lesperance & Suzie deWitt
Eleven Eleven Group of Companies
David & Roseann Fine
Pat McGowan & Dennis Carter
Nova Wood Products Ltd.
Jane Ritcey
Roland Sitzler
Ed Vaughan
West Nova Fuels
Wilsons Security
Laughing Whale Coffee Roasters
Nancy Nicholson
Northern Sun
Christian Scheidemann
The Knot Pub
Allison Smith & Larry Gaudet
Gerald Hallowell
Marilyn & Brian Mackay-Lyons
Carol Anne Mosher
Robert Presson
Alan Scott
Debora Walsh
Randall Willis
Christine Wilson
Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative
CBC Docs
Centre for Art Tapes
DOC Atlantic
Eastlink Community TV
HB Studios
Hot Docs International Documentary Festival
Lincoln Street Food
Lunenburg Arms Hotel and Spa
Narrative Research
Outpost East
Garth & Dorothy Turner
William F. White

Lunenburg Doc Fest is grateful for the support of our Sponsorship Community! If you share a passion for film or wish to connect with our film enthusiast audiences, a Lunenburg Doc Fest sponsorship package will ensure distinguished exposure for you or your brand. The Festival offers a variety of sponsorship levels and packages and you will directly benefit by reaching a culturally savvy audience through festival program guide advertising, social media, logos on printed materials, a sponsor highlight at each screening, and more.
Please consider donating to Lunenburg Doc Fest to support our mission and help the festival continue to present evocative documentaries for all ages, special community events, and free educational opportunities for youth and seniors. An official charitable tax receipt will be issued for all eligible gift amounts per CRA guidelines.
Lunenburg Doc Fest accepts donations via CanadaHelps.org, e-Transfer to treasurer@lunenburgdocfest.com, or cheque to Box 1497, Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0.
Securities including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds donations may be made via CanadaHelps.org
Lunenburg Doc Fest is an approved beneficiary of the Council for Canadian American Relations (CCAR), a 501(c)(3) public charity in the U.S. that is a "qualified donee" under the Income Tax Act (Canada). For information about CCAR please visit ccar-nyc.org or contact info@ccar-nyc.org.
Thank you!