Gold Sponsor: West Nova Fuels
Jul 21, 2017

Lunenburg Doc Fest is pleased to welcome back West Nova Fuels as a Gold Sponsor.
West Nova Fuels supports LDF's Youth Program initiatives, helping to make these fun and educational workshops available for youth in our community.
This year, the 'Doc Your Boat: Animated Lunenburg Harbour Stories' youth workshop included an intensive week-long camp during which teens 13-18 learned to create their own animated documentaries. The short films will premiere during festival weekend in September. Click here to learn more about this year's workshop.To learn more about West Nova Fuels visit the company website.
Lunenburg Doc Fest
If you share our passion for film and wish to connect with our film enthusiast audiences, a Lunenburg Doc Fest sponsorship package will ensure distinguished exposure for your brand. The Festival offers a variety of sponsorship levels and packages and you will directly benefit by reaching a culturally savvy audience through festival program advertising, social media sites, logos on printed materials, a sponsor highlight at each screening, and more.Click HERE to learn more about Lunenburg Doc Fest’s Sponsor packages and benefits or email LunenburgDocFest@gmail.com.