Aug 30, 2017

Thank you, CBC , for supporting Lunenburg Doc Fest as a Gold Sponsor.
CBC recently partnered with the festival to offer a free community screening of BUILDING HMS BOUNTY, a popular draw on Lunenburg's waterfront during the 2017 Tall Ships event! CBC's continued support helps enhance festival programming as well as create new opportunities for attending filmmakers.
Stewart Young, Executive Producer of Arts and Documentary Programming for CBC Atlantic, will be a feature Industry Partner participating in this year's The Doc Market. The Doc Market is for filmmakers seeking support, exposure and opportunities for their documentary projects, offering personal access and one-on-one meetings with industry partners and decision-makers.

STEWART YOUNGExecutive Producer of Arts and Documentary Programming for CBC Atlantic
Stewart Young has worked with CBC for over 30 years in current affairs, arts, and documentary programming at the local and network levels in radio, TV and online. He currently oversees LAND AND SEA - one of Canada's longest-running TV documentary programs. Stewart is responsible for the annual documentary series ABSOLUTELY MARITIMES and ABSOLUTELY NEWFOUNDLAND/ LABRADOR. He is the lead CBC producer on SHORT FILM FACE OFF and the Executive Producer of two regional radio programs: ATLANTIC VOICE, and the EAST COAST MUSIC HOUR. In all of his projects, Stewart works closely with independent producers at the regional and network program levels.
If you share our passion for film and wish to connect with our film enthusiast audiences, a Lunenburg Doc Fest sponsorship package will ensure distinguished exposure for your brand. The Festival offers a variety of sponsorship levels and packages and you will directly benefit by reaching a culturally savvy audience through festival program advertising, social media sites, logos on printed materials, a sponsor highlight at each screening, and more.Click HERE to learn more about Lunenburg Doc Fest’s Sponsor packages and benefits or email LunenburgDocFest@gmail.com.