FESTIVAL PARTNER: Copernicus Animation Studios
Oct 4, 2017
Lunenburg Doc Fest would like to thank Copernicus Animation Studios and Ryan Cameron for their contribution in making our first ever Step Into the Story: Interactive Arcade a super success!
The festival’s first-ever Interactive Arcade invited youth of all ages to ‘Step Into The Story’. The hands-on initiative spotlighted an exciting midway of attractions that shape the way we work, play and connect. From fact-based virtual reality and animation, a range of immersive experiences demonstrated innovative ways to tell stories, then brought them life!
Copernicus Studios is an entertainment content development and production company based in Halifax,Nova Scotia, Canada.
We produce original, high-quality animated content for television, feature film, and digital platforms.
Check out their work on their website and Vimeo and stay updated on the latest by following them on Facebook.